Subject: Aria is stuck
Date: February 7, 2008 8:56:47 AM PST
I have had a rough 2 days. It is definitely a combination of variables: fatigue, parenting, steroids, boredom, sorrow, lack of control, and reflection to name just a few. Aria is doing extremely well. Her counts are back up and I think we are going to be able to bypass needing a blood transfusion at this time, which is no small matter. It is a very common procedure for kids with leukemia at this stage of the game, and it is the very rare case that a child wouldn’t need one. They are so sick and battling so hard that their bodies just can’t produce enough red blood cells to keep them up and active. Aria has skimmed by or so it seems and we are thrilled that she has had the reserves to do so. Just last Friday her count that determines a transfusion (hematocrit) was 19.6 (20 is our Doctor’s comfort level for a transfusion). However, Aria was doing so well; eating drinking, peeing, pooping, sleeping and so forth that she wanted to give Aria another few days to see if her body could hold its own. Tuesday we went back and had her labs drawn again and her hematocrit was back up to 23, which considering her situation is great. It is so obvious too in her level of energy and overall participation in life. She has spunky moments. She is talkative, voraciously hungry, and engaged. She is not playful so much and has no interest in doing many activities; things like playing with toys or drawing, painting and what not. She is definitely not herself, but she still has some spirit to her.
We are fast approaching the final week of the steroid and I finally understand what everyone warned me about in terms of its nasty presentation. I heard again and again that the steroid is “hard” and by far “the worst” part of the entire treatment. I heard things like, “I just want to have my kid back!” or “God, that was soooooo HARD!” But what I didn’t hear were the specifics. What exactly is hard? What does hard mean? What happened to the child that made him/her so different? Details, I needed details but didn’t hear about them. Our doctor told us about cravings, which I have mentioned here. Cravings for salty foods, which add to the fluid retention that can make their faces swollen and their bellies distended. I am seeing that now, by the way. But again, I questioned what did the cravings looks like? Sound like? Feel like?
I’ve had a rough 2 days because I have been mired in that very process. I can’t separate the fact that I have a 4 year old and all the behavior baggage that comes with that as well as having a 4 year old with leukemia and all that that dictates. I have always found 4 yrs to be a very tough parenting age; the kids have language, they know all my buttons and push them freely and frequently but they are still very young and thus irrational to some extent. My favorite story is when Reo lost his mind when I told him that he couldn’t put a booger he had just dug out of his nose on the dining room table. You would have thought I had just denied him his favorite all-time toy. He turned toward with madness in his eyes, the likes of which I had never seen and shouted a sustained “NO!!!!” His neck veins were bulging. His face was the color of a beefsteak tomato. He then began a tyrant’s type lecture, “Mama, I WILL put my booger on THAT TABLE!” If a neighbor wasn’t there to witness it, I sincerely doubt no one would have believed me. I was amazed to witness his reaction. Aria isn’t all that different at times, it is similar but add to this, steroid treatment and illness and a general feeling of the yuckies and the waters of life get a little more turbulent.
For the sake of my processing and my need to vent and document, allow me to try to explain the situation. I had mentioned that Aria is like a broken record. Imagine for a moment a skip in your record, or if records are before your time, a cd. Imagine a little blip in your favorite song; how about the popular “Fire and Rain” by James Taylor. “I’ve seen Fire and I’ve seen Ra.....I’ve seen Fire and I’ve seen Ra......I’ve seen Fire and I’ve seen Ra.....” over and over again. I would guess that no one can listen to a skip on their record or cd for more than a minute without going completely beserk! You know the feeling. It’s that weird stressed out feeling. That knee jerk reaction that forces you to skip the song or move the needle on the record player IMMEDIATELY! You have got to get that skip out of your head. Well, Aria is in “skip” mode galore. She is stuck and repeats one of her 2 mantras over and over ALL day long!
She began yesterday morning at 6 30 am with, “Mama, I’m starving for noodles!” I told her we’d have to cook some up right away. “I just love noodles!” she said. I got the pot going “I’m starving for noodles” I heard interrupting my thought. I replied, “I know honey, I’m cooking them for you.” As I was saying, I got the pot of water going and began putt “I love noodles..oooooh, I’m just starving for them!” “Aria, the water needs to boil and we’re cooking them. Hey do you want to color?” Aria sulks in her chair as if I’m denying her and being deliberately mean. So, I was puttering around, cleaning up the dish “I can hear the water bubbling! I’m soooooo hungry for my noodles!” “I know baby girl. They’re cooking as fast as they can.” I’m breathing dee “I just love noodles!” eeeeply. Doc comes into the kitchen to tell me what’s on his agenda for the day so I can have a “oooooh, my tummy is just so starving!” I stir the noodles and wonder why they aren’t cooking any faster! I can hear Aria sniffing the air, “I just love noodles!” So, anyway, Doc is trying to give me a “I need my noodles!” heads up on his day. He begi “I just need my noodles! ooooo my tummy!” ns to tell me about his day. He mentions this meeting and that and when he’l “Hey, the noodles are ready!” I say cutting off Doc but I just can’t help myself. Aria exclaims, “YEAH!! noodles, noodles, noodles!!” Breathlessly she adds, “ I need’em in a bowl not a plate and, and, and I want a small spoon AND I’m not thirsty!” I begin to give Aria the lo-down on what exactly I’m doing to make these noodles. I feel like I’m in a race and my mouthing and tongue are head to head running to the finish line, “I’m straining them now. Ok, all done with that and now I’m adding some butter. Here goes the cheese and the milk! Voila, your noodles!” She is thrilled and begins to devour them. She doesn’t care that they are piping hot. She begins by eating the noodles along the outside and works her way in. Doc and I proceed to finish our noodles, uh.., I mean we begin to finish our conversation! This whole process, by the way, has taken all of 10 minutes and it has felt much, much longer!
In no time I hear Aria say, “I’m a piggy-piggy, I need some more please!” Wow! So I give her another little bowlful of noodles. She is quietly eating and in heaven. Reo enters the picture wanting noodles too so he helps himself but wants some root beer with his noodles. I tell him “no” and he’s devastated. I try to explain to him that it is 7am and we don’t drink roo tbeer first thing in the morning. He digs his feet in and decides he isn’t hungry for his noodles after all. He pouts and growls, “I’mmm verrrry angggrrrry with you Mama!” I tell him to take a minute to himself and let me know when he’s ready to talk about it. Meanwhile, Aria exclaims, “MAMA, JUST look at WHAT you’ve DONE! You GAVE me TOO MUCH noodles!” She’s in tears and feels full and a little sick to her stomach and it is clearly all my fault! I pick her up and carry her to the couch to rest. I notice Rianna has been in the bathroom. A trail of toilet paper is following her along with itty-bitty pieces of shredded toilet paper e.v.e.r.y.w..h.e.r.e. A few are stuck to her feet and as she walks toward me and she wipes out on the hard wood floor and begins to cry. It is 7 15 am. I’m suddenly very, very tired!
I decide I need about 5 minutes to collect myself. I realize that I’m in for a long, long day. I’m feeling really emotional and agitated. On the one hand, I know exactly what is happening with Aria. This is the steroid. This is exactly what we were told would happen. Well, sort of. This is the “hard” part of what everyone was saying. Emotionally, my thoughts are a different matter. I’m struggling with this particular juggle. Aria is absolutely incessant in her demands. I can hardly complete a thought, let alone speak in complete sentences. I’m frustrated and full of sorrow that she has to go through this. I’m also getting ready to have a full blown pity party for myself, which are never ANY fun because I’m also dealing with 2 other children who have their own issues going on simultaneously. I’m sitting at the computer reading a few emails when I hear Aria say, “Hey, Mum, I just love noodles!” I cannot believe my freakin’ ears! I shake my head and consider, “Didn’t she just tearfully scold me not 5 minutes ago and now she’s hungry aga..” “Mama, I need some noodles!” I’m breathing deeply. She is full and starving at the same time. It is the most exhausting thought. I ignore her for a moment trying to muster some strength when she walks into the room pouting. “Mama, I’m just hungry for noodles! I just love noodles!” I can’t believe that I allow myself to be reduced to this but I responded to her by saying, “Aria, noodles, noodles, noodles, noo,noo,noo,noo,noo,noo,noo,dles,dles,dles,dles,dles,noodles,noodles,noodles!” She looks at me horrified and says, “Mama, Stop!” and here is the clincher folks, I respond to my 4 year old by saying, “I’ll stop when you do!” Oh My God, did I actually say that? What am I now, 7 years old? “I know you are but what am I!” is a thought that screams in my head. I begin to laugh because I have clearly lost my cool. I grab Aria and give her a great big hug. I calmly tell her that she can not have any more noodles. She begins to cry. I suggest that she have a banana or some yogurt. She looks at me with tears streaking her cheeks and says with a grin, “Yogurt! I just love yogurt and I want it in a blue bowl with a small spoon. Yeah!! Yogurt!” She proceeds to eat an entire bowl of yogurt! I’m amazed at her appetite. Aria finishes her yogurt a few minutes later and complains that she’s too full. She lays down in a chair and within a few minutes is fast asleep.
Meanwhile, I am trying to get myself and Rianna ready to take Reo to school, which has been delayed 2 hours because of the snow. I mention to Reo that it’s time to get dressed and he throws a complete tantrum. I’m blindsided. This is his process. Everyone asks me how Reo is doing. For the most part, he is doing exceptionally well. I’m sensitive about him and his behavior because it is impossible at this point to separate what is normal 6 year old behavior versus behavior due to new stressors added to his world. They overlap completely. Reo and I discuss the matter but it’s very hard. He digs his feet in and fights me knowing I don’t have the energy for an argument. I choose to ignore him, give him some space and get myself sorted and re-energized.
Finally it is time to go and we pack into the car. Aria starts in with, “hey mom, wanna know what my favorite kinda food is? (pause) junk food!” This becomes the mantra for the rest of the day. I’m not exaggerating. It is so draining. I was constantly telling her no. On Tuesday of this week, I did allow her what she wanted, which was a McDonald’s cheezie burger and fries. She gobbled the entire thing and was as happy as a clam until an hour later when she wanted more. You may be thinking, “what’s the big deal? Give her the darn junk food for this period of time. Surely this craving won’t last! Man, just give her what she wants!” I’ve had those conversations with myself but the truth of the matter is this: McDonald’s, like Wal-Mart, represents everything I find completely and utterly disgusting. There is nothing and I mean nothing healthy about McDonald’s food. Aria is already very sick and she’s craving something that is mass produced and processed, riddled with taste chemicals, pesticides and herbicides and let’s not forget the fecal matter in the beef as well as the potential risk of E.Coli. No, I just don’t think it is such a great idea. This is where I dig my heels in and have to stay true to health and what is really in her best interest. McDonald’s is neither healthy nor in her best interest so despite her pleas, I will not allow her more.
Still, all day long, she craves it and says, “hey, wanna know what my favorite food is?” Over and over again. All day long I hear this. By the second day, I am completely spent and it hits me like a ton of bricks. It isn’t the incessant wanting and demanding that is so wearing. It is that I have neglected myself. I am depleted. I have nothing of me left and therefore, I have nothing more to give. I cannot give my patience because I am depleted. I cannot give my guidance because I am spent. I need some time for myself to rejuvenate and re-group. I know myself well enough to know that I don’t need much time, just some time and some creative time. I decide to go to bed early with the kids and have a nice rest. I’m in bed at 6 45pm! I sleep really, really well and wake up recharged.
Aria begins her morning the exact same way. She is stuck on noodles as well as junk food. Again and again and again. We decide to make her noodles for breakfast and she’s frustrated at having to wait so she asks Doc, “Hey Dad, can I have some pizza while I wait?” That was the ice-breaker for us both. It just made us laugh and laugh and laugh.
I feel refreshed for the most part and ready to face the day with her nibbling away at my psyche. Reo and Rianna are in good spirits. We have a fine day. I am wiped out by 3 pm when Amy our dear neighbor shows up. She just came by to see if I could use a break! I tear up, I’m so thankful! I sneak away immediately and head into the sewing studio where I sew for an hour. I mended and created. You have no idea how I needed that! Later on when Doc came home I was able to treat myself to a hot bath and a glass of wine. This is such a luxury at this time.
It is Thursday February 7th and I have a full head of steam. We are having yet another snow day where school has been cancelled! The winds are howling and the snow is drifting badly. Doc is home also shoveling and plowing. Tomorrow we go to the clinic for her chemo treatment and blood draw. She can eat so it will be great. We have reviewed the end of this phase and realize that because she is a “rapid early responder” she will not need the extra 2 weeks of the steroid treatment that kids who are not early responders get before going on to Phase 2. I am sitting here now feeling so incredibly grateful that we can bypass that altogether. I know without a doubt that we would muster the strength if we had to but I am certainly breathing easier knowing that we don’t. It is a relief!
I roasted a chicken last night for dinner. Don’t worry, I didn’t go out to the barn and kill off one of my hens! I actually bought this one from the store, which is the first time I have purchased chicken in 2 years! Anyway, I roasted that baby up and Aria LOVED it. She gobbled down a bunch so I’m hoping that it will become a new craving. I keep trying to introduce other salty starchy foods like mashed potatoes and the like. We’ll see how she does. She’s already had noodles and pizza this morning for breakfast. She’s mentioned once or twice that junk food is her favorite food so we’re off and ready to greet this day.
I am thankful for patience. I am thankful for fresh clean air to breath. I am thankful for healthy food. I am thankful for snow days. I am thankful for Doc. I am thankful for each of you sharing this experience with me. I am thankful for all the positive energy that has shrouded No Worries Farm. I am thankful for rest. I am thankful for this day because in this moment, we are well and all very much alive!
This is Aria when she just started her steroids.
This is Aria at the end of her steroid treatment. I begged her to smile for the camera. I may have stooped so low as to bribe her with a piece of chocolate!
This is Aria after she spent a few minutes twirling. She had a meager smile or two that we caught on film, but within an instant this was her mood.